Various types of filters
Ventilation unit for extraction and filtration of low dust air and adsorption of odours in low concentrations with folded, activated charcoal and electrostatic modular filters.
UV-SMELL-SQ lamps with UV-C+O3 technology are an ecological disinfection method which, when inserted inside the exhaust system, help minimise odours generated during cooking. In addition to annoying odours, the lamps allow a decrease in grease deposits and therefore a reduction in the risk of fire, the limitation of mould growth and the ease of cleaning operations, extending the life of the filters. When exposed to intense UV-C radiation, the pollutants absorb the energy giving rise to what is called "cold combustion". This reaction results in simple odourless and gaseous organic products, such as carbon dioxide and water, which are easily disposed of externally. Ozone also, before being transformed into oxygen, manages to prolong UV-C effects, maximising the performance of the system.